What Is Your Intention?

Uncategorized Sep 29, 2014

I met Giovanna Taylor of The G Shop last week when I was in a crisis. I was preparing to spend the weekend with Oprah Winfrey and her friends and I DID NOT have anything to wear. I took my crisis to the internet and solicited support from my Facebook community. Within minutes, someone introduced Giovanna and The G Shop and the rest is history.

In the very early morning hours, Giovanna reached out to me and immediately started sending me pictures of outfits she thought would fit the occasion. It was 4:30 am when I received her first message. Between [4:30] and [6:00], she forwarded many options, made a few suggestions, and scheduled a time to meet with me later that day at her boutique.

Giovanna snagged me with her exceptional customer service, proactive positioning and quick responses. I was a customer for life just by the experience I received on Facebook.

But my experience did not stop there. The ambiance of her boutique, the one-on-one attention I received during my visit, the very friendly conversation and her flexibility to work with my idiosyncrasies made me feel at home. I smiled during my entire visit and told her I would be back (I intend to do some Christmas shopping there).

I was intrigued by the way she did business so I probed. I told her I was impressed with her boutique and amazed by the ambiance. Her response: “It’s all intentional”. From the lighting in the room, to the clothing racks, to the dressing room, to the facility where the boutique is located, Giovanna set the tone. She wanted to create a very specific experience for her customers. Therefore, she is very intentional about every detail of her business.

Intention is defined as purpose or attitude toward the effect of one’s actions or conduct. Intention is the most powerful thing that allows you to get what you want. Intention follows purpose.

Giovanna asked her customers what they liked and didn’t like. She paid attention to their comments, reactions, and emotions. She then incorporated all the things she learned about her customers and worked hard to create an optimal experience that would keep her customers coming back and feelin comfortable referring business. Her intentions allowed her to eliminate the things that were less than desirable and expand on the desirable.

Giovanna’s intentions have lead to her success in business. From what I’ve seen and learned over the one week I’ve know Giovanna, she and The G Shop are in demand. Giovana’s intentions have paid off for her!

Intentions are important in all areas of life. Intentions help business owners build a corporation that meets their lifestyle and future desires. Intentions help professionals snag the job of their dreams. Intentions help individuals to effectively engage in social environments.

To get your intentions to work for you, do the following things:

1. Be clear about what you want. List your desires. Be as detailed as possible.

2. Develop a strategy that will lead to your desired result and/or destination.

3. List the challenges you may face along your journey to fulfill your intentions and prepare a plan overcome those challenges.

4. Know the areas where you are strong and act on those strengths.

5. Get help to stay on track. Share your intentions with an accountability partner. Allow that partner to hold you responsible for taking the necessary steps to get what you want.

6. Don’t quit. Keep pushing through the process until you get what you want. Fulfilling your heart’s desires is not an easy process. However, committing yourself to the hard work will result in personal rewards.

What do you want out of your business, career or life? Set your intentions and act accordingly. Watch your desired reality manifest.


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