Start building your legacy NOW!

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2019

It's the final Sunday of the month and September was extremely busy. I've had so much going on starting with the birth of my grandson, then managing a medical emergency, to finally participating in two back to back retreats, I haven't had an opportunity to catch my breath.

Oh but I am extremely grateful to have the flexibility and the freedom to be present for each of these moments and of course a short vacation is on the horizon! But not before I craft my plan for the final quarter of the year.

This past week, I traveled to Greensboro, North Carolina to participate in a year-end retreat for Million Dollar Influencers!

It was amazing to be in the room with sixty fempreneurs who are helping their communities achieve what only 9% of small businesses in the United States achieve. Getting in community with like-minded business owners who are all on the same journey to help others achieve their million dollar goals was extremely exhilarating! It's always good to know you are not alone on your journey.

During the retreat, we were challenged to step outside of our comfort zones, something I challenge my community to do often, and try something we've never done before.

I decided to try ax throwing!

OMG! It was an amazing experience.

But let me tell you, I completely under estimated this exercise. I thought it was going to be easy to hit the target! Boy was I wrong!

Not only was it hard to hit the target, it was difficult to get the ax to touch the board.

It took guidance, technique, perseverance, and strength! Finally, after several tries, commitment and a little maneuvering, I hit the target!

That's exactly how it is when you are building a business.

To hit your targets, you too need guidance, technique, perseverance and strength.

Growing a business alone is extremely challenging. In fact, as I mentioned earlier, only 9% of the 30,000,000 businesses in the United States alone achieve that goal. But what I've learned in my experience and on my journey to becoming one of the 9% is that the successful have a strong team of mentors to help guide them to the finish line.

Mentorship is something I've always held tight throughout my career as a business owner. I've always turned to the experienced and the experts to help me navigate the waters, chart my course and achieve my objectives. It's having the A-Team of experts in my corner that helped me gain my membership into the 9% club and surpass what so many only dream of.

It's mentorship and an extremely strong passion for the success of small businesses that are the reasons I've dedicated my career to being a trusted advisor to business owners. Helping them achieve their dreams of building profitable businesses as an asset that lead to a great lifestyle and generational wealth is what I live for.

But, sometimes, like you, I have to be reminded of my mission. I have to be reminded of my goals. I have to be reminded about why I got into the game in the first place. I have to be reminded to revisit my roadmap.

At the retreat, I met a very special person who helped me do just that.

Meet Poetry Fox!

Poetry Fox asked us to provide him with one word, and in three minutes, he created a customized and personalized poem.

My word was MILLION!

How he managed to craft a poem so specific to me and my mission is beyond me. He did not know me and I did not know him. But, he seemed to know my heart.

You sat on the end of the bed and counted to a million
or you tried any way.
Dinner time came around five thousand
and bedtime over eleven thousand.
You got to a quarter million
walking down the stairs a week later
and abandoned the count finally, not half way there.
But you will get there....
Stop counting by ones is the trick!

You see, my mission is to help a million achieve millions! Poetry Fox reminded me that I can't achieve that objective by counting my clients one by one. I have to bring them together in a community designed to lead them toward their legacy.

That's why I am extremely excited to introduce our new program, Legacy Builders Business Accelerator! This program is designed to bring growth focused business owners in various phases of business together in community to focus on and achieve their goals of realizing freedom, flexibility, and building generational wealth.

So, here's the thing. Rome was not built in a day and achieving your million dollar goal will not happen overnight. However, if you rely on the experienced and expert guidance and advisory of a mentor who has not only achieved that goal but has helped others do the same, learn very simple techniques to building a legacy, and stop looking down at the weeds, counting single dollars, you will realize your dream is on the horizon.

As we enter into the final quarter of this year, it's time to realize play time is OVER!

I invite you to become a legacy builder TODAY. Your millions are waiting for you!

Let's explore what's keeping you from building your legacy. Gain information and insight about building your pathway to freedom, flexibility, and legacy! Let's start building your legacy NOW!

PSS: Don't forget to join the Facebook group. It's a free way to gain clarity, confidence, consistency and cashflow in your business. We will be hosting our October Million Dollar Masterclass on Monday, October 7, 2019 at 7:00 pm. The theme will be Letting Go Of The Mask: Five Steps To Building An Authentic Brand.


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